Thursday, May 3, 2012

Roger Clap Innovation School Team Plans a Mural

America SCORES Boston's newest team, the Roger Clap Innovation School, plans to paint a mural for their spring service project.  They have discussed how bullying can effect their school and their community.  They are also considering how being kind to each other connects with being kind to their environment.

RCIS students sharing their idea's with class

Jesse Cardoso, an art teacher at the Curley Middle School, came to speak to RCIS about planning and painting a mural. He spends his summers painting murals with Boston youth all around the city.

Students prepared questions for their guest expert.

After discussing mural painting with Mr. Cardoso, the students brainstormed ideas for their own mural.

Check back soon to see their mural!

Poem Corner:

The Sky

The sky is gray in the rain
The sky is blue when it’s through.
The sky is colorful when we’re done and smiling with everyone.
The sky is beautiful when it’s sunny and peaceful.
Jania Desrosiers

Team Huddle

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