Thursday, May 3, 2012

John Marshall Team to Host an "Everything Drive"

Students from the Marshall America SCORES Team will be collecting donated goods in their school.  

Marshall students discussing project ideas
They will collect many kinds of items such as canned goods, clothing, toys, and books.

SCORES students celebrate "Hat Day" as part of School Spirit Week

Kids Quotes:

We asked students to reflect on what community means to them.  

Here are a few of our favorite responses.

"To have peace and quiet" - Myssiah P.

"Community means to me, where people are safe, everyone knows everyone and there is no violence." -Gwen B.

"A community is meant for people to come together and be peaceful."  -Jabria B.

"I think community means for me a lot of people working together in peace." -Eirik H.

Good Luck Marshall Team!

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