Monday, May 21, 2012

Marshall Everything Drive!

The John Marshall Team has been planning an "everything drive" to support a local shelter.  They have also written thank you cards to give to those who donate and wrote a letter to their principal, Ms. Jackson, to get permission to hold the drive and to ensure school support.

One poster advertising the drive reads:

Toys, books, shoes, clothes
It's an everything drive!
Doesn't everyone know!? 

Donate here
Donate there
Donate everywhere!

Tell Mom 
Even Josh!  Tell everyone!
Oh, my gosh!

Look!  Look!
Over there.
Families, friends,
Everyone's here!

So much money here and there!
Money's piling everywhere!

Give here. Give in there.
You know, give it anywhere!


Another student wrote an ad in an entirely different style:

My community is having an everything drive.  It will start on June 2nd.  We are doing the everything drive to help homeless kids, adults and others.  It will be nice to help someone once in a while.  You will feel proud of yourself.  I have faith in the people who donate.  God Bless.


Students wrote about their ideal community.

My community would be on the sun, because it will be peaceful and whatever you want it just falls out of the sky.  There's no violence and we wont fight over small things because that makes a bad community.  Our environment won't be very hot!  It will be 80 degrees.

-Alex H.

If I could live in any community, I'd live in Beverly Hills.  It will have lovely parks.  Houses will have lots of famous, rich people and it will have nice and faithful people.  It will have nice dogs, $600,000 houses, mansions and vacation houses.  It will have awesome views of the ocean and beautiful cruise ships and I hope the road will look like money and pools that will have diamonds for lights and warm temperatures.

-Sebastien R.

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