Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mather SCORES: Growing the Future!

PLANT SOMETHING and Flip Flop Friday

The Mather team had the good fortune to get a visit from Governor Deval Patrick.  Governor Patrick came to do some planting.  The Governor has a team that will work with Mather students to create a whole agricultural plan for the school’s outdoor space.

Mather Boys Team

Mather students have been building on an environmental service project over the last few years.  Last year the team planted a flower garden in front of the church next to their school.

Mather Girls Team Warming Up

This year the team planned on continuing their nature focus and planning a nature walk, community assessment and clean up in their community. The project has expanded with the help of Gov. Patrick.  This development led the Mather team to focus on the environmental project as a long term plan, while adding a shorter term project to be completed this season.  

Students will collect money and flip flops for those in need at The Long Island Homeless Shelter for Men.  “Flip Flop Friday” will be a fundraiser where teachers and students can pay $1 or bring in a new pair of male flip flops to be able to wear an outfit that is not their uniform for the day.  The garden project is still on the table, but won't be complete by the end of the SCORES season on June 2nd. 

Great work Mather Team!


This poem was written by a student on the girls team about one of her coaches, Ms. Hussey.  Students wrote about Very Important People (VIPs) in their lives.

My VIP is Ms. Hussey
Ms. Hussey, Ms. Hussey what a fun, entertaining person!
Ms. Hussey, Ms. Hussey what a sunshine to make your day.
Ms. Hussey, Ms. Hussey what a helpful, hard working teacher.
What a respectful teacher.
A person who helped my world.
My problems and she is always there for you
That’s why she’s always going to be my VIP.

-Anissa B.

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