Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mattahunt Team Learns about the Importance of Recycling

The Mattahunt America SCORES Team is working hard to make their school more environmentally responsible.  

When Mattahunt students learned that their school no longer recycles, they decided to take action.  

Students researched recycling online to get ideas about what advertisements would be best for their school.  They then created their own messages about why it is important to recycle and how people can limit the amount of waste they produce.


The team will post recycling advertisements all over the school and work to raise support for a new school wide recycling program.

Final draft

Stop Think Recycle

Proud Artist

The Mattahunt team was lucky enough to get Ms. Donere Johnson, the North East Regional Director for Student Conservation Association, to speak to them about the importance of recycling.  Ms Johnson works with students to implement conservation programs in their communities.
Students getting to know their guest speaker

Ms. Johnson speaking to the Mattahunt Team  about conservation

Students wrote down questions to ask Ms. Johnson and followed up with thank you cards after the visit.

Students wrote thank you letters to Ms. Johnson for her visit and environmental talk

Thank you note and poem

1 comment:

  1. I am a parent of one of the children on this page and interviewed and I am so proud of my child and how grown up he sounded and looked what a proud parent am I of my mattahunt student!!!! love mom
