Tuesday, April 30, 2013

OGPS Eyes Composting and Recycling

America SCORES students, including Jyda from OGPS, at the White House. 

Orchard Gardens K-8 Pilot School (OGPS) is a Boston Public School located in Roxbury, Massachusetts. The America SCORES participants at OGPS have an action plan for this semester titled “The Re-Comp” which aims to start a recycling and composting program at their school.

The team plans to invite guest speaker Dan Chamberlin of the CitySprouts organization to speak before they present their project idea to the entire school. CitySprouts is a Cambridge-based organization that promotes the implementation and maintenance of beautiful school gardens in area public school communities.

OGPS students participate in last years Poetry Slam. 

The students at OGPS also plan to make postcards to explain to their fellow schoolmates how recycling and composting helps the environment. Good luck team!

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