Sunday, April 28, 2013

GPA Girls Promote Importance of Playworks

After lots of careful deliberation, the America SCORES Girls Team at the Gardner Pilot Academy in Allston has decided that their action plan for this semester will focus on supporting Playworks. Playworks is an innovative organization that strives to promote safe, meaningful play at recess in an effort to improve children's health and well-being and to decrease bullying. 

The girls at GPA will do research to identify a Boston Public School that does not yet participate in the Playworks program. After getting permission from that school they will begin to raise money through 3 different fundraisers in an effort to bring Playworks to that school. Some of their fundraising ideas are to do a Bake Sale, a Yard Sale, a Book Sale, or to write a letter to the Mayor or to the New Balance shoe company. 

These poet-athletes have also been having lots of fun on the soccer field and have been enjoying the spring weather. Way to go girls!


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