Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Celebrating Jamboree! Pie in the face fun~

America SCORES celebrated our14th Annual Jamboree on June 7th.  The weather cooperated for long enough to to have a great tournament, arts and crafts sessions, some great food and a chance for students to see what all the other teams did for their service project.

Awards were given to students for Teamwork, Leadership, Commitment and Dedication, called the "3 Year Awards".

Students voted for which SCORES Member should get the traditional "Pie in the Face".  They earned tickets by discussing their service project and chose who would get the whipped cream pie.

This year the unlucky winner was Freya Hoffman-Terry.


Surprisingly tasty

Unfortunately the rain made us rush the award ceremony and many students didn't get to see the pie in the face ritual.  We are posting the video here:

Thanks to everyone who made this day possible.

Check back in for more service highlights.

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