Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hennigan Team Brainstorms How to Help Their Community

James W Hennigan SCORES Team
The James W Hennigan team has a lot of ideas for their community service project.  They are trying to narrow their topics and pick one that they can complete this spring.

Ammal spoke about where the team is in the planning process:

We chatted with Alyssa about what community service means to her and what students can do to make a difference in their communities..

Jason, Stephen and Jefferson had some fun discussing ways to decide on a final topic:

Stay tuned to find out what the team decides...

Stephen sharing with the class

Lots of ideas to share

"Barrells for Hunger" New Theme for Hennigan Team

Students will hold a food drive for all in the community to bring can and boxed food items for those in need.

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