Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hennigan Learns About, Promotes Recycling

A Hennigan student examines a recycling bin. 
The James W. Hennigan School in Jamaica Plain hosted Mark Moniz as their guest speaker on Tuesday May 14th.  The SCORES team invited Mark to discuss their service project, recycling. Mark worked in the MassDEP (Department of Environmental Protection) before joining SCORES two years ago. 
Mark Moniz answers students questions about recycling. 
Students peppered him with questions about what can be recycled, what happens to their recycling once it is picked up and what can be reused. The team learned about different methods of recycling such as composting, returning plastic bags to stores and returning electrical goods. Students also learned that recycling saves us water, uses less toxic chemicals than making new items, creates jobs and helps protect the environment around us.

The Hennigan team listens to Mark discuss composting and recycling. 
Students designed posters to promote good recycling practices. They will hold a school wide clean up soon and continue promoting recycling in their school and in their homes after the semester is over. They had a great time and had more questions and comments than time would allow! Thanks to Mark and for all the inquisitive students at Hennigan!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

JFK to fundraise for the One Fund

The John F Kennedy School will host a soccer day celebration at their school.  They will sell fruit cups and donate the money that they raise to The One Fund.  The students plan to use the Soccer Fun Day to come together as a school  and as a community and recognize their strength.  As in years past, the JFK students will challenge the teachers and parents to a scrimmage.

The JFK warming up with Coach Robinson leading  the session

SCORES member, Coach Ben, buying a fruit cup from Coach Tia.  Parents and staff came to support the fundraiser and play a little soccer on a beautiful day.

And the game!

Students have written poems as a response to the marathon bombings.

People communicating together
Effort in knowing others
Attend in something big
Caring for Boston
Excellence in friendship

Comfort others
A great community
Respect one another
Expect something great

Live, love laugh
Optimist spirit
Vivid spirit
Excellence in love

Of course Boston will stay strong
People sharing, caring and loving
Evident love

-Alizah D

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

'Blooming Clippers' Get Growing


Freya Hoffman-Terry visited the McKay K-8 School in East Boston to talk to the class about one of her hobbies, gardening.  Students had prepared questions on index cards and they had many questions about gardening.  She showed the team a map of the Somerville Growing Center, where she volunteers and passed small plants around for students.  

The fabulous questions included: What is mulch?  How tall can the tallest flower get to be?  When did you start gardening and why?  Which do you like better: soccer or gardening?  What are your favorite flowers?  What kinds of plants are easiest to grow?


Students then showed her the area that they planned to plant and invited her to the final planting. These pictures are of the planting day.  A follow up clean up day is planned, as well as watering duties for the season!


Friday, May 3, 2013

Edison Joins the America SCORES Team


The Edison K-8 School in Brighton is the latest school to team up with America SCORES. We are very proud of the great sportsmanship that they have demonstrated.  They are still recruiting for the girls team, but have done a great job playing with all the other SCORES teams and accepting girls from other teams for a friendly scrimmage.  The Edison has a brand new turf soccer field and they have had a blast practicing there and playing games.

Keep up the great work Edison!

Mattahunt Reaches Out to the Elderly

Messiah and Lunise pose with their awards and certificates. 
At Mattahunt Elementary School in Mattapan the America SCORES poet-athletes have been hard at work on their project 'How Our Community Grows'. The students are hoping to increase access to healthy foods for the Mattapan community and to link the elderly with area youth through gardening.

After making posters and inviting a guest speaker help them research gardening the team hopes to pick a site and get started with bulbs and seeds the week of May 6th.

 Two students from Mattahunt, Messiah and Lunise, also auditioned for the National Poetry Slam and did an awesome job representing their school! Click on the video below to watch Messiah read his poem "I Want to be an Athlete".

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Henry Grew Raises Awareness of Cancer Research

Henry Grew students at last years Poetry Slam. 

America SCORES students from the Henry Grew Elementary School in Hyde Park have decided that their service learning project for this semester will raise support and awareness for cancer research. Their project, titled 'Wear to Show You Care', aims to raise money for cancer research through a variety of creative fundraisers.

The team plans to hold three separate fundraisers, a 'Hat Day', a 'Think Pink Day' and a 'Fitness Day', with the proceeds from all of these going towards cancer research. In mid-May the team hopes to hold a party to celebrate their success!

The Grew Cougars had an exciting match with Mattahunt. 

Two of the poet-athletes from Grew, Jamely and Jamal, also auditioned for the National Poetry Slam and did a phenomenal job. Read on below to see Jamal's excellent poem "My Future". Great job Grew!
Grew students Jamely and Jamal with their awards and certificates. 

My Future
By: Jamal
My future is being rich and famous
Intelligent and strong

Overcoming every obstacle that comes in my way
That makes me strong

Learning from others and my mistakes
That makes me intelligent

Now I’m as courageous as a lion

I’m as reliable as a caring dog

When I grow up I’ll be a scientist,
Upgrading the world with my discoveries

I’ll go to college
And get more knowledge

I’m as determined as a bull trying to
Rush at a red flag as fast as he can

I’m as reliable as a goldfish that you tell your secrets to

I’m as physically strong as a rhino
Testing his limits

My mind is as busy as the streets of New York

Sometimes my mind works as fast as you would drive on a highway

This is me- today!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hennigan Elementary Gets to Work

Hennigan girls practice teamwork during project planning. 

The students at Hennigan Elementary in Jamaica Plains have made their project concept this year to clean up their school and community and to educate others about recycling. Their project title is 'Get up! and Clean Up!' and their objective is to pick up trash in the area around their school and make attempts to cover up graffiti.

                    Stephan and Jason write out their ideas during project development. 

The team plans to hold fundraisers throughout the semester to help with the cost of cleanup supplies and also hopes to develop a recycling skit involving poetry. There are also plans to write letters to the school principal, teachers, and other members of the community to get the word out about the project and to ask for support. 

A Hennigan student listens while others share their ideas for  the team project. 

From the looks of these photos, it's shaping up to be an exciting semester with America SCORES at Hennigan! 

The Hennigan boys team brainstorms.